Get your TURKISH LIRA here in North Cyprus, as the conversion rates are much better with 0% commission
Monex has English speaking staff that can meet exchange needs of customers at office.
When you exchange with Monex, we promise to give you the lowest price for your foreign currency in North Cyprus.
There is not any upper daily limit on how much foreign currency you can exchange.
Monexchange buys and sells mainly British pound, American Dollar, Euro and Turkish Lira. Monexchange accepts all major credit cards (except American Express).
Monexchange offers extremely competitive exchange rates to both companies and individuals alike, helping them with any of their foreign currency transactions.
Please call us
for better rates
for larger amounts 0090 533 862 4848
Monex Exchange Ltd. ("Monexchange") has been operating and providing foreign exchange services according to the legislation licenced by TRNC Ministry of Economy since 2010. Monexchange provides its products and services with one branch located in the town of Kyrenia.
Monexchange is a strong and well-capitalized company, with the financial backing of its partner, who has extensive experience in the European and American financial markets.
We are a family-run bureau de change that has never advertised or marketed our company. We have worked on a word of mouth and customer referral basis.
We are all Cypriot and work with our culture in mind. For us, trust, reliablity and giving the best exchange rates us apart.
Well capitalised and liquid
Monex has the necessary liquid funds to meet its clients' needs for much larger volumes as the company maintains strong relationship with the leading high street banks in North Cyprus.
Excellent rates with no hidden charges
Monex offers excellent rates on foreign exchange for both businesses and individuals. Whenever you make a purchase or sale which involves a foreign currency, Monex can save you money through better exchange rates and no fees.
Monex offers an easy and convenient way to check today s rates on the internet, but please note that these rates are subject to change, and might be improved for larger volumes, depending on the market movements.
Experience in handling the FX needs of a diverse client portfolio
Since its inception, Monex has won the trust and loyalty of its clients, and has a diverse customer portfolio from a wide range of sectors (construction, real estate, tourism, etc.).
Whether you are a real estate agent managing your property on behalf of homeowners, or you are operating a hotel/restaurant, or have construction business, Monex can help you save money by getting you rates close to the international FX rates.
You get better value for your Euros, British Pounds and US Dollars, as the rates are relatively more competitive than leading UK travel money providers, and there are no commission charges. However, between 3% and 4% commission is charged when traveller's cheques are cashed over the counter.
If you feel uncomfortable carrying large amounts of cash, then you can bring traveller cheques or credit or debit card with you on your arrival. Traveller cheques and credit/debit cards are accepted, but such transactions are subject to commission. Taking out credit/debit Cash advance is less expensive in north Cyprus than UK, with a standard cash advance charge ranging from 3% to 4%.
Please make sure that you bring your personal identification card on your trip to the nearest exchange office, as it is a exchange store policy to ask.
Monex Exchange © 2010 Monex Exchange is authorised and regulated by the Ministry of Finance Turkish Republic of North Cyprus (TRNC) Turkish Law on Money Exchange Institutions of 10 July 1997